Advies foto


  • Sport & Recovery
  • Breeding


Banner - Het belang van eiwitten in een paardenrantsoen
The importance of protein in a horse's ration
Proteins in rations are important for muscles, coat, hooves, growth and milk production
Recovery after exercise, not to be underestimated
In sport today, much is expected of our horses, long training sessions, high obstacles, more expressive movements, multi-day competitions.... In all disciplines, it is important to provide proper support when delivering these strenuous physical efforts.
Slimmere veulens
Smarter foals thanks to Equilannoo Omega Oil
Do you know all the benefits of administering fish oil to foals? Scientific research shows that fish oil contributes to good joint support and improves general fitness.
Image card short interview Puissance
Equilannoo - Designed to support the horse's health
We are proud to share a wonderful article about our new horse feed brand Equilannoo. This article highlights how we combine the highest quality with a deep love for horses. Read all about our vision, unique ingredients and the benefits Equilannoo offers for your horse's health and performance.