ATP plus packshot

ATP Plus

High oil energy topping

Feeding advice: 0,5 to 1 kg a day to replace double of that amount of regular concentrate or in addition to the normal ration to gain weight

ATP Plus

High oil energy topping

ATP Plus is a concentrated feed that adds a high content of vegetable oil to the ration. This mix is used as a topping at 0.5 kg to 1 kg per day or as a replacement for part of the concentrated feed to add more energy from oil into the ration.

  • High energie from fat & starch

  • Rich in omega 3, 6 & 9

  • Extruded cereals

  • Fatty acids

  • High in Vitamin E

  • Natural antioxidant

Heating effect ATP plus


Feeding advice: 0,5 to 1 kg a day to replace double of that amount of regular concentrate or in addition to the normal ration to gain weight

Product sheet ATP Plus
pdf, 0.12MB
Product sheet ATP Plus