Starting Cube
ROUGHAGE: Free access to roughage
age of 3 weeks - 2 months: free to feed
from the age of 2 months: max. 2kg/day
from weaning to 8 months: 2,5/day
Starting Cube
Starting Cube is a foal pellet with extra milk powder, specially formulated for foals between 0 and 1 year. The Starting Cube optimally supports the young foal during the first months of life. The small pellets (6 mm) are ideal for introducing foals to solid food. The Starting Cube contains it all the key nutrients needed for healthy development, especially the development of the bones and joints.
Contains OS complex
Digestive Support inside
High-quality proteins
ROUGHAGE: Free access to roughage
age of 3 weeks - 2 months: free to feed
from the age of 2 months: max. 2kg/day
from weaning to 8 months: 2,5/day